Friday, August 31, 2007

The Original Sandman Wallpaper

I’m really into his music right now. He has major Talent. I wanted to make a wallpaper of him, so I got some pics from his myspace. I think it turned out pretty good. If ya wanna listen to his music then click to go to his myspace

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Adam Gontier Myspace Layout

Got Bored, and decide to make a Myspace Layout, and I liked the way I did the Adam Gontier Wallpaper, so I made a layout that looked kinda like it. If you like the layout and want it then you can Download it, I still can't find a scroll box that will let me post HTML in it, so I'm gonna start uploading my myspace layouts to my deviant art for people to download. When you download, it's not really a download, a new screen just appears with the code on it so there's no actual downloading, atleast I don't think. Layout Code Download

Gerard Way Wallpaper

Mmmmm yeah, I’m not a fan of MCR, this was for someone else

Adam Gontier Wallpaper

This wallpaper I made for a friend, she had requested of Adam Gontier, who is the lead singer from Three Days Grace.

Random Wallpapers

Two Random Wallpapers, I made for a friend. That has Sick Puppies Lyrics on them.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Kanye West Signature

I'm not really the biggest fan of Kanye, but I Love his song Stronger. So I decided to make a signature of him. And plus I had these Brushes that I really wanted to use on something. ‘Free to use just credit the site or me'

Lacey Mosley Signature

This one I am currently using on a forum, because I am in love with the colors and the way it looks. Anyone else is free to use it if you want just credit either the site or me.

Flyleaf & Lacey Mosley Avatars

I downloaded a bunch of new Icon Brushes, and these are the Avatars I tried them out on. If you use credit either the site or me.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 10, 2007

Paramore Wallpaper

Love, Love, Love this band right now... I downloaded there Album ‘Riot!’ and listen to it 24/7, and even though I have it downloaded I think I’m gonna still go out and buy it, because it’s amazing. Thought I’d make a Wallpaper of them for my computer for when I get tired of my current one. It’s kinda bad Quality, The pics were HQ, but for some reason when I let it load on my computer they looked smudged…. Can’t wait for the day I get a faster internet. *crosses fingers* Then no more Slowness.


Some of these just go along with the signatures on here, but the others I made when I was bored. (What’s New!?)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

JoJo Ecko Wallpaper

Favorite Artist Ever, and will forever remain my fav. As soon as I saw this pic I had to do something with it, Because she’s absolutely gorgeous in it. People say her neck is Photoshoped, and I never really noticed it until someone pointed it out. I made signatures with this pic as well, just scroll down...I want these shoes! By the way go listen to her version of ‘Beautiful Girls’ it PWNS Sean Kingston’s. He can’t sing it right. JoJo’s got the voice.

‘There For You’ Wallpaper

Bored as Fuck... Made a Simple non-Celeb Wallpaper with these kickass brushes I had, Just experimenting and came up with this shit...Added some Flyleaf Lyrics on it, Because I’m in love with there song ‘There For You’, Replays non-stop on my media player because I’m awesome like that =D

JoJo Ecko Signatures

I made of few of em, because I got really bored. These are 2 of the 4 I did. The other two are being used by a friend and I on a Forum, and I don’t feel like posting them. =)

‘Coming For You’ Signature

I didn’t wanna use this on Forums, just because I like signatures that are a certain size, and this one isn’t the size I like. and I don't like the color brown. Hopefully Coming for You will be JoJo's next single. =)

Wentworth Miller Signature

This is one of the reasons why I still consider myself Bi… cuz *rawr*…. Wentworth Miller equals sexiest man Alive. I can’t wait till Prison Break Comes back on, I need to see his face back on TV. Until then I will just have to settle for watching one of my Buffy Season Two DVDs. Even Though ‘Go Fish’ is one of my least favorite epps. Too Boring. Watch Prison Break Season 3 when it comes back on sometime in I think September. One of the most Suspenseful Shows I have ever seen.

Ghetto Super Star Myspace Layout

Hehe, yeah I was totally listening to ‘Ludachris-The Potion’ when I made this... I really like Black and Lime Green together so I put that in there. I liked the way this layout turned out with the Brushes I used, so I made another one like it just in a different color and different text that I’m currently using on my myspace. To get this code click Here

50 Cent Myspace Layout

To get this code click Here, This is just a little preview of it

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ghost of the Robot Signature

Pretty much only Buffy and Angel Fans will know who these guys are, Because James Marsters (The lead singer, one in the middle) is from those two shows. The guy is like 40 something, but he’s still fucking hot. His Posters in my room are never coming down if he stays this good looking. But Wentworth Miller is still sexier =D

Veronica Mars Signature

I Made this a while back when the show ended. Looking at my newer stuff, I would say I’ve defiantly progressed with Photoshop. Sad the Show got cancelled. There better be a Veronica Mars Movie in the Future.